Skratky a kódy ICAO – E,F

Skratky a kódy, potrebné na dekódovanie a kódovanie dokumentov, ktoré sú plne v súlade s ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) – Dokument 8400 „Skratky a kódy“.

Skratka / značka Význam skratky / značky
E East or eastern longitude
EAT Expected approach time
EB Eastbound
EDA Elevation differential area
EEE# Error
EET Estimated elapsed time
EFC Expect further clearance
EGNOS European geostationary navigation overlay service
EHF Extremely high frequency [30 000 to 300 000 MHz]
ELBA Emergency location beacon — aircraft
ELEV Elevation
ELR Extra long range
ELT Emergency locator transmitter
EM Emission
EMBD Embedded in a layer (to indicate cumulonimbus embedded in layers of other clouds)
EMERG Emergency
END Stop-end (related to RVR)
ENE East-north-east
ENG Engine
ENR En route
ENRC… En-route chart (followed by name/title)
EOBT Estimated off-block time
EQPT Equipment
ER* Here . . . or herewith
ESE East-south-east
EST Estimate or estimated or estimation
ETA Estimated time of arrival or estimating arrival
ETD Estimated time of departure or estimating departure
ETO Estimated time over significant point
EV Every
EXC Except
EXER Exercises or exercising or to exercise
EXP Expect or expected or expecting
EXTD Extend or extending
F Fixed
FAC Facilities
FAF Final approach fix
FAL Facilitation of international airtransport
FAP Final approach point
FATO Final approach and take-off area
FAX Facsimile transmission
FBL Light (used to indicate the intensity of-weather phenomena, interference or static reports, e.g. FBL RA = light rain)
FC Funnel cloud (tornado or water spout)
FCST Forecast
FCT Friction coefficient
FDPS Flight data processing system
FEB February
FG Fog
FIC Flight information centre
FIR Flight information region
FIS Flight information service
FISA Automated flight information service
FL Flight level
FLD Field
FLG Flashing
FLR Flares
FLT Flight
FLTCK Flight check
FLUC Fluctuating or fluctuation or fluctuated
FLW Follow(s) or following
FLY Fly or flying
FM From
FM… From (followed by time weather change is forecast to begin)
FMS Flight management system
FMU Flow management unit
FNA Final approach
FPAP Flight path alignment point
FPL Filed flight plan
FPM Feet per minute
FPR Flight plan route
FR Fuel remaining
FREQ Frequency
FRI Friday
FRNG Firing
FRONT Front (relating to weather)
FRQ Frequent
FSL Full stop landing
FSS Flight service station
FST First
FT Feet (dimensional unit)
FTP Fictitious threshold point
FU Smoke
FZ Freezing
FZDZ Freezing drizzle
FZFG Freezing fog
FZRA Freezing rain

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